Webinar by Dr. Wolfgang Bach (14:00 GMT, Wednesday, April 20th, 2022)
The InterRidge Office invited Dr. Wolfgang Bach (Professor, University of Bremen) for this month’s webinar. Detailed information can be found on the InterRidge website (https://interridge.org/webinar/).
Day and Time: 14:00 GMT (16:00 CET), Wednesday April 20M
Webinar by Dr. Wolfgang Bach (14:00 GMT, Wednesday, April 20th, 2022)
The InterRidge Office invited Dr. Wolfgang Bach (Professor, University of Bremen) for this month’s webinar. Detailed information can be found on the InterRidge website (https://interridge.org/webinar/).
Day and Time: 14:00 GMT (16:00 CET), Wednesday April 20M
Zoom Address: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/92835606860?pwd=RjhhQS90eXNXa2dkeExvZVZ0UjBLUT09
Meeting ID: 928 3560 6860
Passcode: 775766