Message from chair no.3

Dear Colleagues and Friends of InterRidge

The third online Steering Committee Meeting for 2021 was held on December 3, 2021, and many important issues were discussed. InterRidge anticipates that things will return to normal in 2022 and will be able to resume many previous activities including face-to-face meeting, awarding of fellowships at international conferences, and bursary support for those joining mid-ocean ridge cruises of other countries. A new Working Group, ‘Terrestrial Analogues of Oceanic Lithosphere’, has been proposed by Jung Woo Park of Seoul National University.

One of the important issues that were discussed at the Steering Committee Meeting is to divide the role of InterRidge Office into science and administration. Instead of rotating the office whenever the new chair is selected, according to the new format, unlike the chair who will be elected every three years, the office will remain fixed in the country for a term of five years plus a possibility of renewal. In this way, scientists including the chair can focus on science while the administration is maintained by experienced personnel. We hope that this new format will strengthen the science and service to the community.


Sang-Mook Lee

Chair of InterRidge

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